
  • 澳大利亚的PG电子游戏

  • 澳大利亚的PG电子游戏

  • 澳大利亚的PG电子游戏

  • 澳大利亚的PG电子游戏

  • 澳大利亚的PG电子游戏

  • 澳大利亚的PG电子游戏

  • 澳大利亚的PG电子游戏

  • 澳大利亚的PG电子游戏

前往澳大利亚的PG电子游戏(华). 华 provides students the opportunity to see a number of different countries on the Asian and Australian continents. 学生可以延长在皇后镇的逗留时间, 新西兰, 并经常参观新西兰的其他景点,包括奥克兰. 在此期间, students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of outdoor adventures after class, 包括徒步旅行, 钓鱼, 跳伞, 蹦极和激流漂流. 在澳大利亚, 学生可以游览悉尼等地, 凯恩斯和布里斯班,然后乘船游览大堡礁, 现场可选择浮潜或水肺潜水. 本学期还将包括一个或多个亚洲国家的旅行. 在过去的学期里, 团体PG电子游戏了包括印度在内的国家, 柬埔寨, 泰国, 日本, 越南, 中国和其他国家. More information will be given to enrolled 华 students when the travel schedule for each semester is finalized. The 华 program typically takes place during Fall semesters only and travels with a maximum of 40 students.

课程 & 成本


目前正在学习的学生不符合就读华校的条件, 或者在西西学校留校察看. Any student who has applied and/or been accepted will automatically become ineligible if placed on any type of probation up until time to depart. Such individuals will be placed on a waiting list and may go only if there are openings after probation has been removed. 此外,学生必须达到总分2分.0的绩点.

以下课程是必需的:BOLD 3005和HUM 2730. Successful completion of a second Bible course during a full semester International Program will permit a student to apply this course to the Bible requirement for a future semester, provided that the second Bible class is taught by a College of Bible and Ministry instructor. 学生可以在他们选择的未来学期申请这项福利.


While it is our intention to offer the courses listed, changes are sometimes necessary.

整个学期必须至少修满12个学分, 这些都包含在项目的费用中. If you enroll in more than 12 credit hours, you will be charged for those hours. 大学要求学习八个学期的圣经课程才能毕业. Students who complete two Bible courses at 华 will have one of their later semesters of the Bible requirement waived.

BOLD 3005 - Lord and Land (2-3) Jeremy Daggett: 要求. 本课程检视旧约/希伯来圣经, 向学生介绍相关历史, 地理, 文化背景, 旧约神学, 《PG电子游戏》, 以及在当代环境中的应用. 作为PG电子游戏国际课程的一部分, this course surveys the Hebrew Bible through the visual/virtual exploration of the land of Israel. This course is offered to sophomore students in study abroad (IP) programs for 2 credit hours and satisfies the requirement for either BOLD 2010 or BOLD 2030 in the Liberal Arts program. 高年级学生可以选修这门课, 即使他们已经获得了2010年和2030年BOLD项目的贷款.

HUM 2730 -世界文明/人文(2-6)杰里米达格特: 要求. 艺术学科的综合, 戏剧, 历史, 文学, 音乐, 哲学, 宗教, 和科学, and their influence in shaping ideas and values in the selected area of the world. 课程内容将反映授课的环境. 所有参加国际课程的学生都必须参加. 可从以下选项中选择最多6小时:ART 1010, 1010年西娅, 2010年或2020年, HIST 2100或HIST 2110, 1010 - 1015亩, 3010年菲尔, 或者全球视角. 本课程可重修以获得最多12小时的学分, 前提是课程在不同地点进行.

This course may not be taken as a repeat for a completed liberal arts course or to satisfy an additional liberal arts requirement. Determine how you intend to apply the credits, then enroll in the appropriate number of hours. (Example: Student wants credit for ENG 2010 and MUS 1010; therefore, will enroll in 6 credit hours.)学期开始后,学分不得增加. Prior to the semester abroad, students must apply the credits to the appropriate course(s).

HUM 2010 -国际研究(1-3) 准备在国外生活和学习的国际经验. Enhancement in 文化 sensitivity and practical matters of survival in a different 文化 setting. 大约30个小时的课堂教学. 对东道国的研究. 满足全球视野所需的3小时中的1-3个学分.

BIOL 1200 -人体结构和功能(3) Structure and function of selected human organ systems and the cellular mechanisms and processes upon which they are based. 循环系统、消化系统、神经系统、肌肉骨骼系统和呼吸系统. 专为沟通障碍专业设计, 营养学, 护理, 体育课, 还有那些需要人体解剖学和生理学入门的人. 满足生物学的文科要求, 但不计入主修或副修生物学.

COMM 1010 -通信原则(3)Katie Daggett: Instruction and practice in the theory and skills of public and interpersonal communication. 研究、组织和发表演讲. 发展用于评估目的的关键听力技能. Emphasis on nonverbal, small group, and multi文化 communication in a digitally connected world.

BUS 2510 -大学生个人理财(1)Katie Daggett: An overview of key and essential elements of personal finance that a college student needs to understand even before they leave college. This seminar course is designed to familiarize the student with issues of personal finances that will have long-lasting benefits once the student graduates. All six modules are intricately tied to the Biblical concept of stewardship.

BMIS 3000-世界基督徒(在线)(3)蒂姆·威斯布鲁克: 本课程只可作为第二节圣经课. This course seeks to lead students to become World Christians by focusing on the theological, 文化, and contextual aspects of what God is doing in this world and by discovering how to participate strategically with God in his work. 这门课程解决了关于上帝和失丧之人的棘手问题. It also surveys a 历史 of missionary heroes to discover personalities who exemplified missiological principles. This course satisfies the global perspectives requirement in the Liberal Arts program.

 ECON 2010 -宏观经济学(在线)(3) The overall workings of the economy and its major subdivisions; our economic system, 商业周期, 货币与银行业, 国民收入核算, 稳定政策.


While it is our intention to offer the courses listed, changes are sometimes necessary.

整个学期必须至少修满12个学分, 这些都包含在项目的费用中. If you enroll in more than 12 credit hours, you will be charged for those hours. 大学要求学习八个学期的圣经课程才能毕业. Students who complete two Bible courses at 华 will have one of their later semesters of the Bible requirement waived.

BOLD 3005 -主与土地(2-3) 要求. 本课程检视旧约/希伯来圣经, 向学生介绍相关历史, 地理, 文化背景, 旧约神学, 《PG电子游戏》, 以及在当代环境中的应用. 作为PG电子游戏国际课程的一部分, this course surveys the Hebrew Bible through the visual/virtual exploration of the land of Israel. This course is offered to sophomore students in study abroad (IP) programs for 2 credit hours and satisfies the requirement for either BOLD 2010 or BOLD 2030 in the Liberal Arts program. 高年级学生可以选修这门课, 即使他们已经获得了2010年和2030年BOLD项目的贷款.

HUM 2730 -世界文明/人文(2-6): 要求. 艺术学科的综合, 戏剧, 历史, 文学, 音乐, 哲学, 宗教, 和科学, and their influence in shaping ideas and values in the selected area of the world. 课程内容将反映授课的环境. 所有参加国际课程的学生都必须参加. 可从以下选项中选择最多6小时:ART 1010, 1010年西娅, 2010年或2020年, HIST 2100或HIST 2110, 1010 - 1015亩, 3010年菲尔, 或者全球视角. 本课程可重修以获得最多12小时的学分, 前提是课程在不同地点进行.

This course may not be taken as a repeat for a completed liberal arts course or to satisfy an additional liberal arts requirement. Determine how you intend to apply the credits, then enroll in the appropriate number of hours. (Example: Student wants credit for ENG 2010 and MUS 1010; therefore, will enroll in 6 credit hours.)学期开始后,学分不得增加. Prior to the semester abroad, students must apply the credits to the appropriate course(s).

HUM 2010 -国际研究(1-3): 准备在国外生活和学习的国际经验. Enhancement in 文化 sensitivity and practical matters of survival in a different 文化 setting. 大约30个小时的课堂教学. 对东道国的研究. 满足全球视野所需的3小时中的1-3个学分.

COMM 1010 -通讯原理(3): Instruction and practice in the theory and skills of public and interpersonal communication. 研究、组织和发表演讲. 发展用于评估目的的关键听力技能. Emphasis on nonverbal, small group, and multi文化 communication in a digitally connected world.

BUS 2510 -大学生个人理财(1): An overview of key and essential elements of personal finance that a college student needs to understand even before they leave college. This seminar course is designed to familiarize the student with issues of personal finances that will have long-lasting benefits once the student graduates. All six modules are intricately tied to the Biblical concept of stewardship.

BMIS 3000-世界基督徒(在线)(3)蒂姆·威斯布鲁克: 本课程只可作为第二节圣经课. This course seeks to lead students to become World Christians by focusing on the theological, 文化, and contextual aspects of what God is doing in this world and by discovering how to participate strategically with God in his work. 这门课程解决了关于上帝和失丧之人的棘手问题. It also surveys a 历史 of missionary heroes to discover personalities who exemplified missiological principles. This course satisfies the global perspectives requirement in the Liberal Arts program.

 ECON 2010 -宏观经济学(在线)(3) The overall workings of the economy and its major subdivisions; our economic system, 商业周期, 货币与银行业, 国民收入核算, 稳定政策.


While it is our intention to offer the courses listed, changes are sometimes necessary.

整个学期必须至少修满12个学分, 这些都包含在项目的费用中. If you enroll in more than 12 credit hours, you will be charged for those hours. 大学要求学习八个学期的圣经课程才能毕业. Students who complete two Bible courses at 华 will have one of their later semesters of the Bible requirement waived.

BOLD 3005 -主与土地(2): 要求. 本课程检视旧约/希伯来圣经, 向学生介绍相关历史, 地理, 文化背景, 旧约神学, 《PG电子游戏》, 以及在当代环境中的应用. 作为PG电子游戏国际课程的一部分, this course surveys the Hebrew Bible through the visual/virtual exploration of the land of Israel. This course is offered to sophomore students in study abroad (IP) programs for 2 credit hours and satisfies the requirement for either BOLD 2010 or BOLD 2030 in the Liberal Arts program. 高年级学生可以选修这门课, 即使他们已经获得了2010年和2030年BOLD项目的贷款.

HUM 2730 -世界文明/人文(2-6): 要求. 艺术学科的综合, 戏剧, 历史, 文学, 音乐, 哲学, 宗教, 和科学, and their influence in shaping ideas and values in the selected area of the world. 课程内容将反映授课的环境. 所有参加国际课程的学生都必须参加. 可从以下选项中选择最多6小时:ART 1010, 1010年西娅, 2010年或2020年, HIST 2100或HIST 2110, 1010 - 1015亩, 3010年菲尔, 或者全球视角. 本课程可重修以获得最多12小时的学分, 前提是课程在不同地点进行.

This course may not be taken as a repeat for a completed liberal arts course or to satisfy an additional liberal arts requirement. Determine how you intend to apply the credits, then enroll in the appropriate number of hours. (Example: Student wants credit for ENG 2010 and MUS 1010; therefore, will enroll in 6 credit hours.)学期开始后,学分不得增加. Prior to the semester abroad, students must apply the credits to the appropriate course(s).

HUM 2010 -国际研究(1-3): 准备在国外生活和学习的国际经验. Enhancement in 文化 sensitivity and practical matters of survival in a different 文化 setting. 大约30个小时的课堂教学. 对东道国的研究. 满足全球视野所需的3小时中的1-3个学分.

COMM 1010 -通讯原理(3): Instruction and practice in the theory and skills of public and interpersonal communication. 研究、组织和发表演讲. 发展用于评估目的的关键听力技能. Emphasis on nonverbal, small group, and multi文化 communication in a digitally connected world.

BUS 2510 -大学生个人理财(1): An overview of key and essential elements of personal finance that a college student needs to understand even before they leave college. This seminar course is designed to familiarize the student with issues of personal finances that will have long-lasting benefits once the student graduates. All six modules are intricately tied to the Biblical concept of stewardship.

BMIS 3000-世界基督徒(在线)(3): 本课程只可作为第二节圣经课. This course seeks to lead students to become World Christians by focusing on the theological, 文化, and contextual aspects of what God is doing in this world and by discovering how to participate strategically with God in his work. 这门课程解决了关于上帝和失丧之人的棘手问题. It also surveys a 历史 of missionary heroes to discover personalities who exemplified missiological principles. This course satisfies the global perspectives requirement in the Liberal Arts program.

PHS 1060 -物理科学(网上)(3): An introduction to basic concepts in physics and chemistry including motion, 重力, 动力, 能源, 声音, 电和原子. Credit is not granted in PHS 1060 following credit for any other physics or chemistry course. This class may make use of the testing center and/or may give exams outside of regularly scheduled class hours.

数学1200 -初级统计(在线)(3): Elementary statistical techniques; descriptive statistics, 基本的概率, 概率分布, 估计, 置信区间, 假设检验, 回归, 和关联. This class may make use of the testing center and/or may give exams outside of regularly scheduled class hours.

ECON 2010 -宏观经济学(在线)(3): The overall workings of the economy and its major subdivisions; our economic system, 商业周期, 货币与银行业, 国民收入核算, 稳定政策.




$3,0002023年6月15日11月. 1, 20232024年3月1日
$22,2079月. 1, 20232月. 1, 20242024年5月1日

申请费($500) 在申请时支付,可退还至3美元,每个项目的旅费支付截止日期(见上文). 如果节目在这些日期之前或之后被取消, 学生将获得全额退款.

旅费($3,000) includes prepayment for required deposits associated with reservations during your program, 以及从你家乡城市来回的机票. Airline frequent flyer miles may be accumulated; however, no personal frequent flier miles or points may be used to acquire the flight(s). 所有旅行安排由国际项目办公室负责. A fuel surcharge, imposed by the airlines, may be added, typically not exceeding $500. *往返机票通常以小石城出发为基础. 如果你的家乡超过了这个票价,你可能会被收取相应的费用.

尾款($22,207) 包括12小时的学费, 食宿, 项目费用, 技术费, 运输, 住宿, 当地的旅游, 导游, 博物馆和美术馆, 设备清洗, 和亚麻/洗衣. 大多数经济援助将适用于你在国外的学期.

消费: 你需要提供自己的开支. We recommend that you allow up to $85-$100 per day for all independent travel for those programs that allow or mandate it.

查阅有关财务的资料, 贷款, 奖学金, 和计费, 请联系:Angie Shafer ashafer@carbitech.net 或501-279-4338(办公地点:Ezell地下室18号).

Those who cancel after airline tickets have been purchased and land travel arrangements have been paid will be liable for any penalties assessed by the airlines and land travel companies. Funds that can be recovered will be returned to the student’s account as soon as possible. 如果你在未来的一个学期注册,没有在这张费用表上注明, 你可以估计每学年学费增长4-5%.





付款 2024年秋季项目 2025春季计划 2025夏季计划
$500 与应用程序 与应用程序 与应用程序
$3,000 2024年6月1日 11月. 1, 2024 2025年3月1日
$22,382 9月. 1, 2024 2月. 1, 2025 2025年5月1日

申请费($500) 在申请时支付,可退还至3美元,每个项目的旅费支付截止日期(见上文). 如果节目在这些日期之前或之后被取消, 学生将获得全额退款.

旅费($3,000) includes prepayment for required deposits associated with reservations during your program, 以及从你家乡城市来回的机票. Airline frequent flyer miles may be accumulated; however, no personal frequent flier miles or points may be used to acquire the flight(s). 所有旅行安排由国际项目办公室负责. A fuel surcharge, imposed by the airlines, may be added, typically not exceeding $500. *往返机票通常以小石城出发为基础. 如果你的家乡超过了这个票价,你可能会被收取相应的费用.

尾款(22,382美元) 包括12小时的学费, 食宿, 项目费用, 技术费, 运输, 住宿, 当地的旅游, 导游, 博物馆和美术馆, 设备清洗, 和亚麻/洗衣. 大多数经济援助将适用于你在国外的学期.

消费: 你需要提供自己的开支.

查阅有关财务的资料, 贷款, 奖学金, 和计费, 请联系:Angie Shafer ashafer@carbitech.net 或501-279-4338(办公地点:Ezell地下室18号).

Those who cancel after airline tickets have been purchased and land travel arrangements have been paid will be liable for any penalties assessed by the airlines and land travel companies. Funds that can be recovered will be returned to the student’s account as soon as possible. 如果你在未来的一个学期注册,没有在这张费用表上注明, 你可以估计每学年学费增长4-5%.



这个世界充满了不可思议的冒险. 不要让恐惧阻止你去体验它.


We believe in the importance of a global education because we are citizens of the world. No matter which program you choose to attend, you will return home with a new outlook on the world.
The 华 program typically takes place during Fall semesters only and travels with a maximum of 40 students.





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