
Harding is an international university with many campuses but one home


哈丁的家乡在阿肯色州的西西.怀特县是一个拥有2万人口的城市. 位于阿肯色州中东部, 瑟西 is about 50 miles northeast of Little Rock and 105 miles west of 孟菲斯, 田纳西州. The nearness of Little Rock and 孟菲斯 gives 瑟西 residents access to cultural and entertainment opportunities of metropolitan areas without sacrificing the special charms of small-town living.
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PG电子游戏 in 罗杰斯,约柜.

A campus in northwest Arkansas serving students in various 研究生 and 本科 programs.


At PG电子游戏, we believe in the importance of a global education. 我们的报价不会低于. That's why 48% of the 2010 graduating class have participated in a study-abroad experience at one of our international campuses.


PG电子游戏 in Greece (HUG) is housed in the Artemis, a former hotel (named after a nearby ancient temple to Artemis) in the Mediterranean beach town of Porto Rafti, 位于雅典城外. Daily life at HUG looks like students enjoying meals prepared by a Greek cook before heading out to enjoy the beach, 徒步旅行“拥抱山”,或是在小镇上漫步,或是前往雅典. Travels take the group all over Greece to many biblical cities such as Athens, 哥林多, 腓立比, 塞萨洛尼基和伯里亚, 以及对希腊历史重要的遗址,如奥林匹亚, 特尔斐, 迈锡尼, 热门等. HUG的学生还探索了以色列老城, 圣殿山, 西墙, 橄榄山), 加利利海和周围的城镇, 该撒利亚, 伯利恒, 死海, 耶利哥, 埃及, 开罗, 吉萨金字塔, 斯芬克斯, 尼罗河等等! 在学期结束时, students have the option to travel independently across 欧洲 before heading home! The HUG program takes place during each Spring and Summer semester and travels with a maximum of 40 students each semester.


Head down under with PG电子游戏 in 澳大拉西亚 (HUA). HUA provides students the opportunity to see a number of different countries on the Asian and Australian continents. 学生可以延长在皇后镇的逗留时间, 新西兰, and often visit other sites in 新西兰 including Auckland. 在此期间, students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of outdoor adventures after class, 包括徒步旅行, 钓鱼, 跳伞, 蹦极和激流漂流. 在澳大利亚, 学生可以游览悉尼等地, Cairns and Brisbane and take a cruise on the Great Barrier Reef, 现场可选择浮潜或水肺潜水. The semester will also include a trip to one or more Asian countries. 在过去的学期里, 团体PG电子游戏了包括印度在内的国家, 柬埔寨, 泰国, 日本, 越南, 中国和其他国家. More information will be given to enrolled HUA students when the travel schedule for each semester is finalized. The HUA program typically takes place during Fall semesters only and travels with a maximum of 40 students.


成立于1980年, PG电子游戏 in Florence (HUF) was the first of the University's international programs. HUF students live in a 15th-century villa midway up a hill southwest of Florence in the city of Scandicci, complete with a view of the Arno Valley and the Apennine Mountains. In addition to this beautiful setting, students enjoy meals prepared by two Italian cooks. Living just outside of Florence provides endless opportunities to explore all that the city has to offer: climbing the Duomo, 漫步在维奇奥桥上, 参观乌菲齐美术馆, 学术界等等. 

Tours outside of Florence continue to highlight Italian 文化 and 历史 by taking students to see the wonders of Rome, 庞贝古城, 比萨, 圣Gimignano, 锡耶纳, 卢卡, 卡森蒂诺等等. 学生在学期中有独立的旅行时间, 也可以在回家之前选择更多. HUF项目在每年春季举行, Summer and Fall semester and travels with a maximum of 40 students each semester.


PG电子游戏 in Latin America (HULA) has its home base in a restored, 19世纪大厦, “埃尔卡斯蒂略,"在美丽的, 历史悠久的殖民城市阿雷基帕, 秘鲁. 位于7点钟的一个山谷里,000英尺的海拔高度, 阿雷基帕周围都是火山, many of which students have the opportunity to climb during the semester.

该项目侧重于拉丁美洲文化, 历史和西班牙语, and the group immerses in the 文化 by visiting many places in 秘鲁, 阿根廷和智利, 比如复活节岛, 马丘比丘, 亚马逊雨林, 巴塔哥尼亚, 秘鲁首都利马, 库斯科, 的的喀喀湖, Colca峡谷, 纳斯卡线, 帕拉卡斯和更多.

所有学生都必须报读一门西班牙语课, 但不需要有西班牙语学习经验. Spanish majors and minors have the opportunity to enroll in upper-level Spanish classes to progress in their degree plan and improve their language proficiency while experiencing Latin America firsthand. The HULA program takes place during Spring semesters only and travels with a maximum of 40 students each semester.


The HUE program travels throughout Western 欧洲 to offer students a chance to visit many countries. The semester includes trips to various 欧洲an destinations such as England, 苏格兰, 爱尔兰, 比利时, 荷兰, 法国, 意大利, 西班牙, 和葡萄牙, 还有一次巡游! The HUE program takes place during Fall semesters only and travels with a maximum of 40 students.


Harding in Zambia is a diverse and culturally immersive experience based outside of Livingstone, 赞比亚——维多利亚瀑布的故乡, 世界七大自然奇观之一. Students live at the Namwianga 任务 where they can shadow health care providers and surgeons, 在学校教书, 花时间在避难所的儿童团聚之家, 阅读非洲文学经典. The Humanities course includes guest lectures by Zambians and covers the language, 文化, 历史, 和赞比亚的宗教. Time in Zambia also allows you to raft the world-renowned class 5 whitewater rapids of the Zambezi River, 喂大象和长颈鹿, 住在风景如画的度假胜地.

另外, students will travel with their directors to other countries in Southeast Africa such as Rwanda, 坦桑尼亚, 和开普敦. 在卢旺达, students learn about the Genocide and the redemptive way Rwanda has rebuilt itself as a country. 在开普敦, 学生们将参观开普角自然保护区, 与巨石企鹅群共度时光, 看看十二使徒山, 爬桌山, 观赏风景优美的科斯滕博斯花园, 参观罗本岛, 甚至还有机会上冲浪课.

当然, no trip to Africa is complete without a multi-day safari in one of the famous National Parks. Groups in the past have visited the Ngorongoro Crater (坦桑尼亚), 伊丽莎白女王国家公园(乌干达), 南卢安瓜(赞比亚), 乔贝国家公园(博茨瓦纳). These are all-inclusive stays that include professional guides, 食宿, 以及非洲丛林中友好的动物! The HIZ program takes place during Summer semesters only and travels with a maximum of 20 students. Participation in the HIZ program requires an interview process.