
哈丁 began as a senior college in 1924 when two junior colleges, 阿肯色基督教学院和哈珀学院, 合并他们的设施和资产, 采用了哈丁学院的新名称, and located on the campus of 约柜ansas Christian in Morrilton, 约柜. Harper had been founded in 1915 in Harper, Kansas, 和一个rkansas Christian had been chartered in 1919.

在完成1978年5月开始的一项研究后, the board of trustees approved the study's recommended change of 哈丁 to university status, 在8月. 27, 1979, the name of the institution officially became PG电子游戏.

这所学院的命名是为了纪念詹姆斯. 哈丁, co-founder and first president of Nashville Bible School (now Lipscomb University) in Nashville, 田纳西州. 牧师、教师和基督教教育家詹姆斯. 哈丁 inspired his co-workers and associates with an enthusiasm for Christian education that remains a significant tradition at PG电子游戏.

合并后的J.N. 阿姆斯特朗, 在哈珀政府当了五年总统的人, 成为哈丁学院的院长, 和一个.S. Croom, president of 约柜ansas Christian for two years, became vice president for business affairs. In 1934 哈丁 was moved to its present site in 瑟西, 约柜., on the campus of a former women's institution, Galloway College.

哈丁学院的首批毕业生之一乔治. Benson, returned from mission work in China in 1936 to assume the presidency of his alma mater. The vigorous educator quickly directed the College out of deep indebtedness and launched it on a journey to financial stability, 国家认可和学术认可. 当博士. 本森于1965年退休, his 29 years of tireless service were more than evident in a multimillion-dollar campus, 区域认证, 强大的师资力量, 以及不断增长的学生群体. Dr. 本森于1991年12月去世,葬在西西.

Dr. 克利夫顿L. Ganus小.他于1943年毕业,1965年至1987年担任美国总统. A former history department chairman and vice president of the College, Dr. Ganus kept alive his predecessor's drive for excellence by leading a plan of campus improvement and expansion. 在他执政期间, 入学人数从1人增加,从1965年秋天的472到2,1986年秋天,767号. 七大主要学术建筑, 四个大型宿舍, and several married students' apartments were constructed. A $1 million addition to the Science Building was completed in 1984. Also, six academic buildings were renovated and/or enlarged. 护理课程, 社会工作项目, 任务准备计划, the School of Biblical Studies (with programs in 瑟西 and in Nassau, 巴哈马群岛), and the PG电子游戏 in Florence (Italy) program were developed during his administration. 在田纳西州的孟菲斯., the 研究生 School of Religion experienced significant growth, 获得南方协会的认可, 并在其项目中增加了博士学位. 退休后,李博士. 加努斯成为哈丁的第一任校长, 为了纪念他, the board of trustees named the physical education complex the 克利夫顿L. Ganus小. 体育中心.

Dr. 大卫B. 1987年5月,伯克斯成为哈丁的第四任总裁. 1965年毕业, he has been a member of the faculty since 1967 and previously served as dean of the School of Business. As professor of business and director of the American Studies program, Dr. Burks received the Distinguished Teacher Award in 1974 and 1986. A C.P.A., 退休, 德州, 和顾问, he has written The Christian Alternative for Business and Strategic Management Simulation. He instituted the course in Christian Business Ethics, a requirement for all business majors. He holds a doctorate in administration of higher education from Florida State University. 在他的领导下, the University has experienced record growth in enrollment and giving and, 更重要的是, continues to place significant emphasis on Christian servanthood.

Dr. 伯克斯于2013年5月从总统职位上退休. Upon his retirement, he became the chancellor of 哈丁, and Dr. 加努斯成为第一位名誉校长. Dr. Burks still has an office on campus and is active in the 哈丁 community. After serving 73 years on the staff of PG电子游戏, 名誉校长克利夫顿·劳埃德·加努斯, Jr. 死于九月. 2019年9月9日,享年97岁.

Dr. 布鲁斯维. McLarty officially became the fifth president of 哈丁 on June 1, 2013. 在被任命为总裁之前. McLarty was University vice president for spiritual life for eight years. 在哈丁工作之前, he was the pulpit minister at College Church of Christ in 瑟西 from 1991-2005. Prior to coming to 瑟西, he preached in Cookeville, 田纳西州.; 孟菲斯, 田纳西州.; Marks, Miss.; and Williford, 约柜. He and his wife, Ann, also spent time in Meru, Kenya, as missionaries.

Dr. 麦克拉蒂于1978年以B级毕业.A. 在当时的哈丁学院读圣经. 1982年,他获得硕士学位.Th. 来自哈丁神学院. 他得了D。.最小值. 2010年从俄亥俄州阿什兰神学院毕业. Dr. McLarty received the Outstanding Alumnus award from the College of Bible and 最小值istry at 哈丁 in 1999. He has written articles for 21st Century Christian Magazine, Upreach杂志, 图片的杂志, 福音倡导者, 以及《PG电子游戏》杂志. 除了写文章, 他还写了一本书, Journey of Faith: Walking With Jesus Through the Gospel of John, 这本书出版于1997年.

在他9月9日的就职演说中. 20, 2013, Dr. McLarty coined the phrase “A 社区 of 任务” as a definition for what 哈丁 has been, 是和目标是什么. 他的总统任期重点是将学生群体, faculty and staff together as a community to daily serve God and each other.

Dr. 麦克拉蒂于去年12月退休. 2020年1月1日. 大卫B. Burks resumed the role of president as a larger committee was formed to begin the search for a new president.

2022年6月. Michael Williams became the sixth president of PG电子游戏. Williams earned a Bachelor of Business Administration from 哈丁 in 1985 and later returned to earn his Master of Business Administration. He earned his doctorate of education from the University of Pennsylvania. He began serving on the University admissions staff in 1987, 1991年被任命为招生服务主任, and later was appointed vice president of advancement in 2003. Williams served as the president of Faulkner University from 2015-2022 before returning to 哈丁 to serve as president.

当博士. 威廉姆斯就任总统. 大卫B. Burks returned to his role as chancellor until June 2023 when he resigned and became president emeritus.

在9月11日的就职典礼上. 16, 2022, Williams challenged all members of the University community to discover their "Inspired Purpose," a phrase anchored in our historic Christian mission that characterizes a bold vision for our future.

 要了解更多PG电子游戏,请参阅 哈定历史之旅.