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    Disability Services & Educational Access

Get started now!

If you are in need of accommodations due to a documented learning, physical, or psychological disability, 我的愿望是确保你得到所需的支持,以便在PG电子游戏充分发挥你的潜力. I am the liaison between you and your professors, as needed. My goal is to “level the playing-field” for you in your courses, so that you have the opportunity to be successful in your college career.

The first step in accessing academic accommodations is to self-identify 到学生中心的239套房来, 或者给我打电话501-279-4019,预约填写必要的残疾文件.

Next, you will need to provide documentation for your disability from your doctor, psychologist, 或根据ADA指南的高中心理考官,以证明你所要求的住宿是合理的. (Reasonable accommodations are based on your documentation.)

Then, you will give your professors an accommodation letter that will provide necessary information to help you. (这只是关于你的住宿PG电子游戏,而不是你的文件.)文件是保密的,将存放在DSEA办公室的安全地方.

I’m so glad that you are here! 我的目标是尽我所能在学业上和个人生活上支持你, as well as, 推荐你到学校的其他支持项目来帮助你获得学位.


Bridget Smith
Director of Disability Services & Educational Access (DSEA)

General Guidelines for Documentation of a Disability


Documentation should include (as it relates to your disability):

  • a clear, diagnostic statement identifying the disability, date of the current diagnostic evaluation, and the date of the original diagnosis
  • 用于评估的诊断标准和/或诊断测试的描述
  • a description of the current functional impact of the disability
  • 目前规定或正在使用的治疗、药物、辅助装置/服务
  • 对残疾影响随时间的预期进展和/或稳定性的描述
  • the credentials of the diagnosing professional(s)
  • 任何有助于支持和确定所需学术住宿需求的其他PG电子游戏

如有必要,我们保留要求提供额外文件的权利. 残障办公室致力于根据州和联邦法律(ADA/504合规)对残障相关PG电子游戏保密。.

  • “我希望成为一个学生可以来喘口气的人和地方.”

    Elizabeth Ellis,
    Disability Services Assistant Director

    Meet Elizabeth
  • “我的使命是确保学生有平等的机会接触学术和PG电子游戏.”

    Bridget Smith,
    Director of Disability Services and Educational Access

    Meet Bridget

Disability Statement for Graduate Students


Students with Disabilities: 为残疾学生提供食宿是PG电子游戏的政策, pursuant to federal and state law. Therefore, any student with a documented disability condition (e.g. physical, learning, or psychological) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations, 必须联系辅导员和残疾服务和教育机会办公室 beginning of each semester. If the diagnosis of the disability occurs during the academic year, 学生必须与残疾服务和教育机会主任进行自我认同 as soon as possible 为了在本学期剩下的时间里安排好学术住宿.

残疾服务和教育机会办公室位于PG电子游戏西校区学生中心226室. 由于一些研究生课程在不同的地点教授,学生将无法进入位于Searcy校园的残疾服务和教育PG电子游戏办公室, 学生必须与课程的讲师自我认同,并通过传真(501-279-5702)或邮件(915e)提交文件. Market Ave., Box 11268, Searcy, AR 72149-5615)到Searcy校园的残疾服务和教育机会办公室. The necessary forms are available at Upon receiving the appropriate documentation approved by ADA guidelines, 教师可以通过与残疾服务和教育机会主任的电话会议来安排学术住宿. 如果您有任何疑问,请联系残疾服务和教育机会办公室 or call 501-279-4019.

Disability Statement for Course Syllabi


Students with Disabilities:  为残疾学生提供食宿是PG电子游戏的政策, pursuant to federal and state law. Therefore, any student with a documented disability condition (e.g. physical, learning, 或心理)需要安排合理住宿的人必须联系辅导员和残疾服务和教育机会办公室 beginning of each semester. If the diagnosis of the disability occurs during the academic year, 学生必须与残疾服务和教育机会办公室进行自我认同 as soon as possible 为了在剩下的学期里得到适当的学术住宿. 残疾服务和教育机会办公室位于学生中心226室(501-279-4019)。.

Disability Statement for International Programs


Students with Disabilities:  为残疾学生提供食宿是PG电子游戏的政策, pursuant to federal and state law. Therefore, any student with a documented disability condition (e.g. physical, learning, 需要安排合理住宿的学生必须在每学期开始时联系辅导员和残疾服务和教育机会办公室. If the diagnosis of the disability occurs during the academic year, 学生必须尽快与残疾服务和教育机会主任进行自我认同,以便在本学期剩余的时间内获得适当的学术住宿. 残疾服务和教育机会办公室位于学生中心226室(501-279-4019)。.

由于国际校区的学生无法进入位于PG电子游戏瑟西校区的残疾服务和教育服务办公室, 学生必须在被接受到国外学习一个学期之前与国际研究办公室进行自我认同. Reasonable academic accommodations (e.g. extended time on tests, a quiet room/no distractions for testing, etc.) may be made by the faculty on an international campus. However, 如果有身体或心理残疾,则需要医生出具的证明,证明学生能够完全参加严格的旅行行程(团体和独立旅行)以及在国外的学期的高强度学习. 

Contact Us

Fax: 501-279-4059

Location: Suite 239 Student Center

Mailing address:
Harding University
Disability Services & Educational Access
HU 12268
Searcy, AR 72149-5615